Ariel Bellizio


His first contacts with the music were thanks to his older brother who was a big fan of bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Janis Joplin, The Doors, Kiss and Queen.

Later and as he was growing up he started listening to bands like Megadeth, Death, Queensryche, Dream Theater which were those who gave a turn in his life as musician.

Already with these influences in his blood he decided to form a band called Septon with quite intricate compositions, following the sound of the contemporary thrash of those days (1995)

In the summer of 1998 Ariel Bellizio and Alejandro López decided to put up a band together with the main objective of not following any trend or style. This project was called “Sector 7 G”, later re-baptized as Fughu, in 2000.

In 2001 Ariel joined The GFD (Groove Fucka Distortion), band he shared with Fughu’s keyboardist in those days, Marco Gnoatto. The band was somehow a mixture between Living Colour and FNM with very funny lyrics. The project was left aside due to problems outside the band.

In the course of the year 2002, Ariel joined Eclipse 4560 with his mates of Fughu, Alejandro Lopez and Marco Gnoatto.  As a parallel project, the band made several live presentations with a great success but it soon dissapeared after several internal problems.

In 2009, Ariel Bellizio took part of the “Sonder Ange” debut album by recording the guitar solo for the song “Dulce Nieve”.

Alejandro López (Drums)
Marcelo Malmierca (Keyboards)
Juan Manuel López (Bass Guitar)
Renzo Favaro (Vocals)
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