Alejandro López


As a kid at home, thanks to his brothers, he grew up listening to Queen, Kiss, Whitesnake and other bands. From an early age, he spent hours trying to get sounds from the kitchen pots, trays, stools, etc…

At that time, his best drum kit consisted of 2 barstools (one as a bass drum and the other, covered by a bag, a hi hat), a bowl of ice cream (great snare drum) and a bird cage (without birds obviously) that replaced the best cymbal.

His brothers Juan Manuel and Pablo used to gather with friends to play songs and then, years later, they were part of a blues band.

During rehearsal breaks, Alejandro played drums and Juanma took the bass and then, they improvised some tunes. They used to close with Megadeth´s “Dawn Patrol”.

The tedium of years between elementary school and junior high went by, accompanied by his only interest at that time, that was hitting the bench and occasionally, add some bass drum thanks to the wooden floor of the school, which without knowing, served as musical foundation (followed by warnings for misconduct).

Later, he participated in bands with his brothers (Llamarada Moe, Eclipse 4560). They had hard rock style with Sabbath influences and other instrumental projects with Marco Gnoatto and Matías Venier (former Fughu’s members).

Although he enjoyed the bands, he never feel them as his own. That would come later with Ariel Bellizio and Mariano Cañas when they decided to make a band, without knowing what music would come out.

The band was called “Sector 7g “. Years later, with some personel changes, it was renamed “Fughu” and you know the rest of the story …

Ariel Bellizio (Guitars)
Marcelo Malmierca (Keyboards)
Juan Manuel López (Bass Guitar)
Renzo Favaro (Vocals)
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