Renzo Favaro


From a very young age he had contact with music. Being the youngest of the family, Renzo was exposed to music of very different styles, thanks to what the rest heard. Creedence, GunsN ‘Roses, Queen, Charly Garcia, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Nirvana, Silvio Rodriguez or Julio Sosa are some examples, but none of these performers achieved the impact that Iron Maiden had (and still has). Years later he could get hold of some Judas Priest albums, which undoubtedly sealed the pact with heavy metal by dint of bestial and inhuman screams of fury. With the passage of time, and fundamentally after beginning to sing, new and multiple musical proposals arrived and impacted him, almost always linked to heavy metal and neighboring genres. Among many others, we talk about Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Dio (in all its bands), Megadeth, Rhapsody, Helloween, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Exodus, Brazen Abbot, etc.

While it was usual for him to sing in his room (or wherever he could be least heard), he had never considered the idea of singing in a band. However, at age 18, and casually (or causally), he ended up successfully auditioning for the band of a keyboardist friend who did not frequent so much. That was the beginning.

Throughout the years, he went through several bands, taking the activity more and more seriously and learning with great references of the genre, such as Javier Barrozo and Ivan Sencion. Bands like Heimdal, Arion and Incraneo were seven years of numerous gigs, two demos recorded and more and more friends.

In 2013, after the dissolution of Incraneo, he began to sing in Cruces Negras (tribute to Black Sabbath), where he was in charge of singing the Dio era. With them, he performed countless shows in Buenos Aires inside and out, sharing the stage with great figures such as Tim “Ripper” Owens, the local Lethal, etc.

In 2014 he auditioned and entered the Joy Gospel Choir, with which he experienced not only another extremely different and incredible genre, but also a completely different role, having to be part of a 45-voice harmony.

The following year, he is contacted by Patán, a historical heavy metal band that chose him without auditioning anybody else. With him on vocals, they released their sixth studio album, named “6”. They also were support acts for bands as Saxon and Tierra Santa and played venues in Buenos Aires, Ayacucho, Rio Negro, etc.

In March of 2017 he arrives at Fughu brought by Santiago Bürgi, former vocalist. Both singers maintain a friendship through Renzo’s sister, after sharing numerous operas with Santiago. After a successful test with two songs, they began to work on the band’s new record production. By the end of that year, all the members of Fughu felt that they had been playing together from long before…

Ariel Bellizio (Guitars)
Alejandro López (Drums)
Juan Manuel López (Bass Guitar)
Marcelo Malmierca (Keyboards)
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